Alfredo Sauce
Pull out the following ingredients:
a half stick of margarine or butter
about a fourth cup of flour
Parmesan cheese - either grated or from the can, but you need about a half cup
milk, half and half, etc - I use Eli's whole milk but I've used skim in a pinch.
spices - salt, pepper (I use white, but black is fine), and garlic
Make a roux. Melt the butter in a pan on medium heat and when it's bubbling, add the flour and stir until it makes a runny looking dough. Stir frequently, letting it brown just a little, although it's not necessary. Add....well, roughly about a half to a whole cup of milk and stir quickly mixing the roux in. It'll thicken quickly. Add more milk, and continue stirring waiting for it to thicken before you add more milk. I end up adding roughly about a cup of milk each time to make about 3 cups? It varies - I'm sorry, but there it is. When it's reached a thickness you want then add some spices. I can't honestly say an amount because I'm an eyeballer when it comes to spices, but alfredo sauce takes more than you'd think since it mutes everything in it, so it will take a bit more salt than you'd think, etc. When in doubt, taste it. Remove from heat and stir in parmesan cheese.
I got my tortellini from Costco in those big bags, and it's the dried stuff. If using dried pasta I've found that when you put the pan of water on to boil, stick the pasta in before it boils to help since the tortellini can have some rough spots to cook.
We had the same thing a couple of days ago. Except I used heavy cream instead of whole milk, and I added broccoli to the sauce. It was yummy !