Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Salmon & Roasted Rosemary Potatoes

So we are not counting fish with our weekday vegetarian diet. It has been super easy to cut out the meat! And it's been easier on the grocery bill. What a pleasant surprise. Especially since I recently learned more about the food (especially meat) industry, I'm feeling very good about this choice.

So onto the making of this dinner: Probably took 45 minutes. I am slow and scatter-brained when I make dinner. So it probably wouldn't take that long for someone else.

Roasted Rosemary Potatoes (a favorite!)
2 russet potatoes
1 big yam/sweet potato (the orange ones)
2 cloves garlic
about 1 tsp. rosemary (crushed)
Directions: cut up the potatoes and put into a baking dish. mince garlic and sprinkle over potatoes. put about 1 to 1 1/2 tsp. rosemary into your hand and crush it up. I do this because those poky rosemary needles don't really add to a nice texture in your mouth. But it's such a nice flavor; I really like it! Then add some cut up butter--just enough to give a little flavor, keep the potatoes from sticking and to make them crispy. Put into a 400 degree oven for about 45 minutes. Check potatoes periodically and turn them to get them crispy and evenly buttered.

I'll tell you right now I'm not that good at cooking fish. My Dad is an expert and Brian definitely does better than I. But I was all I had last night. ;-) I added a little butter to the pan, sprinkle the salmon with lemon pepper and cook on medium-low heat until the flesh turns pink (vs. the orangey-red is starts out as). We love salmon! And since we're not eating much meat anymore, it's been fine on the wallet.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds great - I know what you mean, though. My mom can broil a salmon with her eyes closed, but I worry about it every step of the way. :)


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